Monday, March 19, 2007


I've been asked to allow anonymous comments here.

I will try this out as an experiment, but...
  1. So doing is begging for blog comment spam, in which people post pointless comments in order to slip in links to some web site. For that reason, I'll also switch on comment moderation, so that I have to approve comments before they appear, which also means...
  2. Legitimate comments will have to wait to show up, and I may be snowed under with attempts at comment spam.
If I start to see piles of comment spam, or moderation proves burdensome, I will revert to not allowing anonymous comments. I'm sorry if that proves problematic, but it's the best I can do.


Anonymous said...

Good enough! Thank you, lady! PS. Doesn't blogger do askimet? Time to switch to wordpress! Although lately a lot of trackback spam is getting through. :(

Anonymous said...

Ow, I hope you won't accuse me of spamming, but just thought of another something: you can put it that way that 'the others' have to type in a code to check that we are humans/real avies. No?

Melissa Yeuxdoux said...

I'll check--the less work I have to do to filter out the spam, the better.