Monday, March 17, 2008

SL versus games

SL isn't a game, part aleph-null:

SL permits what's called RMT (real money transfers, I think it stands for). SL isn't a game; buying L$ isn't looked at as being like putting cork in your bat, taking steroids, or riding a Harley in the Tour de France. Not everyone is the SL equivalent of Martha Stewart, any more than people in RL build their own cars or have their own chip fabs, clean rooms, surface mount, and wave solder technology in the garage so they can build their own computers in a nontrivial sense. Specialization benefits everyone; see Adam Smith for details.

In games, it's different; the technical term for doing such things is "cheating", and the people who run games have every right to ban it and eject those who cheat. Simple as that.

Am I missing something?

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