Friday, March 28, 2008


I was wandering through Italia 3 Torino, a lovely though unpopulated place, when I noticed someone's name hovering at about waist level. I did a double take. All that was there was a fairly generic barrel for trash. I zoomed in... and saw the eyes of the poor fellow in the barrel.

I suspect he was camping, and that creeps me out. Having campers sit idly on a bench? Ignoring the obnoxious nature of camping, I can sort of live with it. Having them animate street sweeping and the like? I suppose it's "local color" or adding verisimilitude. Live models in stores I can almost see as reasonable, though the pay is obscenely low. But sitting in a trash can? In the words of Jumba Jookiba in Lilo and Stitch, "That is low even for you!" How degrading!

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