Friday, March 07, 2008

I'll get there...

Windlight is making its way towards being a part of the official SL client. I had to grab the new Release Candidate, which includes Windlight.

Now, if only I didn't have to look at my inventory... any search of the inventory either times out or takes the client down. Pretty frustrating.


Anonymous said...

Any idea why the latest release candidate might cause xorg to segfault on Kubuntu 7.10? I'm thinking it's a fundamental issue with some binary somewhere being incompatible with some driver, some Xorg binary, and some stupid element of my graphics card.

Melissa Yeuxdoux said...

Hmmm... I don't know enough about xorg to say. I know that past versions of the client would occasionally make xorg go crazy for me, making the display illegible, and once in a while crashing the whole system hard--so that only a reset would bring it back.