Tuesday, March 25, 2008

"...and when I do I'll give her my brand..."

Linden Lab has announced The Second Life Brand Center, with lots of rules about the use of LL trademarks and the tagline "Your world. Your imagination."

I'm slightly concerned. I made a point of asking whether the name of my blog was OK, and was assured it was. Is it still? I am not sure; they explicitly mention "foreign language equivalents" of Second Life as "not OK".

Also, it seems that they want to forbid any snowclone of the tagline. Can a cook-at-home pizza chain use "Your Oven. Your Pepperoni."? I don't know.

I guess we'll see what happens.

P.S. That title's from the Byrds' classic song "Chestnut Mare." I'm showing my age by quoting it, and fear that it may suggest Gor to those who haven't had the pleasure of hearing the song. So follow the link, please--you have some fine listening ahead of you.

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