Saturday, December 08, 2007

"...I'm just rendered that way."

This time of year there's a cornucopia of freebies in SL, one being the lovely "Christmas Girl" dress from Ingenue. It's a sweet, demure dress, not at all like the slinky, slit up to there!? gown Jessica Rabbit wears in Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, but wearing a fire-engine red dress just did something to me...

I headed over to Raglan Shire, a sim that caters to tinies. (I keep wanting to type "Lagan"... they both have "a", "n", and "l", and appear in titles of Irish songs, and IMHO "My Lagan Love" is far more beautiful than "On Raglan Road"; what can I say?) What few others were there went about their business and on their way, and I headed into a lovely store, all wood and stained glass reminiscent of Piet Mondrian:

I went on up the stairs and found a tiny-sized grand piano, and found myself wishing for a Fabulous Baker Boys-inspired poseball:

Finally I went out onto the balcony to admire the quiet and the surroundings.

It was the dress, I tell you!

P.S. Of course, the prim breasts are not part of the dress...


Anonymous said...

Looks like you had fun. :)

Are they new even bigger prim breasts you're wearing? They look wonderfully huge. ;)

Melissa Yeuxdoux said...

Thank you! They're not quite new, but I don't wear them often... I really think it's something about that dress.

Anonymous said...

The dress brings out the naughtiness in you eh? Hence the even more mind blowing than usual bustline?

Melissa Yeuxdoux said...

That's my story, and I'm sticking with it.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like a good plan to me. :)

(Thanks for conversing with me btw)