Sunday, February 06, 2011

Μέλισσα Βαθυκόλπος λαχανιάζει (/me gasps)

The creators who make Second Life something more than open fields and seas never fail to amaze me... the second link Google turned up when handed "second life minoan hair" was to an SL Marketplace page for "Tiny ioumane Minoan female hair". Yes, hair for a tiny female Minoan avatar, and it is lovely and too cute for words. Follow the link so you can look and say whatever the Greek equivalent of "Awwwww...." is, and kudos to Noyl Boucher, creator of this delightful avatar and hair!

UPDATE: A friend who was also taken by the tiny Minoan avatar kindly let me take a picture... isn't she cute? (The site is very brightly lit; I don't really shine like one of the golden maidens Ἥφαιστος fashioned to aid him. Also, apologies yet again for the low resolution.)


Noyl Boucher said...

Oh, just found your post by accident while seeking some documentation about Minoan culture...

Glad it pleased you, and thank you for your nice article ;)

Melissa Yeuxdoux said...

It's my pleasure to let people know about your delightful work. Thank you!

Noyl Boucher said...

Ah, pleasure ;)

(Ah, by the way I don't remember if I already told you (getting old has it flaws :p ) but the minoan hair I made for my tinies, is now available for big people)