Sunday, January 11, 2009

Retro SL from Torley

I don't know whether anyone knows who's taken the most pictures in SL, but surely Torley Linden is near or at the top of the list. His cheerful attitude and trademark watermelon color scheme always bring a smile to my face.

That smile is even broader than usual now that I've seen two of his many photos on flickr: "Second Life: the classic adventure game" and "You have teleported to HERE ISLAND." They are SL photos done up in the style of games on classic 8-bit computers, and for those of us who remember the days of the Apple II, C-64, Atari, or the Tandy Color Computer, they bring an instant wave of nostalgia and remind us of how far we've come.

Thanks, Torley.

1 comment:

▓▒░ TORLEY ░▒▓ said...

You are very welcome. Thanx for noticing!

I was just looking at some more old-skool computer palettes. Right now, 4-color CGA has me all excited.