Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Wonderful News!

I am delighted to have found out that Maggie Bluxome and Jennifur Vultee are engaged! More information at Maggie's blog (believe me, you want to go there to see the photo of the happy couple), Aliecia Lionheart's blog, and the Latex Web Inc. blog. Please join me in wishing the couple every happiness.


ameira_loire said...

But who has the bigger breasts?

Good on you both.


Maggie Bluxome said...

Thank you so much, Melissa. Jenn and I are excited for the big day. :)

Maggie Bluxome said...

Oh...and to answer Ameira...I do. ;D

Melissa Yeuxdoux said...

She does, but it doesn't matter. Look at their faces... they radiate contentment.