Tuesday, May 06, 2008

The Minoan Empire

RFyre announced a new outfit, Ondari, inspired by the famous statuette of the Minoan snake priestess. (It includes a version of the top that deviates from Minoan women's clothing, for situations that call for more modesty than historical accuracy.) It is available in a number of colors. I chose the crimson and gold.

It's not clothing that one can wear just anywhere... OK, it's clothing that one can't wear in most places. So, I started the search for places to try it out aside from at home with the curtains drawn, and came across the Minoan Empire.

It's a gorgeous place, with beautiful architecture, reside
nces available for rent, a harbor (are those triremes?), a temple, a chariot racetrack, a place for a women's council, a shop, and more things that I've yet to see.

It's an RP-friendly place, and there are rules intended to preserve the atmosphere and sense of place of the Minoan civilization. (In particular, women visitors are requested to, and women group members expected to, dress in accordance with what we know of Minoan women's fashion.)

I will confine myself to showing a photo taken in the temple at sunrise.


Anonymous said...

A very daring picture Melissa. :)

Anonymous said...

After they crown you queen for eternity, can I be court jester? I can juggle pretty well......

Melissa Yeuxdoux said...

(OK, this is the third time I've tried to post this response. I hope nothing's wrong with blogger.)

I have no aspirations of that sort; I'm sure King Minos rules justly and well. If I ever were queen, though, you bet!