Thursday, April 14, 2011

Drunken Drow Wench contest

The Drunken Drow is running contests; one is to determine the Drunken Drow Wench. One votes with one's L$ for a candidate, and the one who garners the most donations (which all go to Relay for Life) wins.

My dear friend Susyn Stenvaag is with Team Dream to Live. She's a wonderful lady, in SL from back in the time when women often made their own prim breasts, which she did, and still does too.

I hope you'll consider voting for her. The candidates' photos are all up in a tent near Elvenshire 163, 23, 24; Susyn's photo is almost directly opposite the tent entrance. (While you're there, be sure to explore; Elvenshire is a very interesting place.

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