Saturday, February 21, 2009

Sliced Lime Buddha

I was looking around in Mocha, a lovely place, wintry in spots (eek! Actually going to a cold place in SL during RL winter?!) that I saw mentioned in the excellent blog Living with the me..., when I wandered into Lime and saw a magnificent golden statue of the Buddha:

At first I thought it was one huge sculpted prim, but a closer look made me wonder--it looked almost like a contour map, or as if it were carved from golden-hued wood so that you could see where the carving crossed from one ring of the original tree to another. Looking at it from more to the side emphasized the effect:

and finally, a view directly from the side showed the true structure, and I gasped:

The Buddha was built up from a series of slices! How different from the stylized Buddha at the Varosha temple!

1 comment:

buddha pendant said...

beautiful photo,lovely place