Tuesday, January 08, 2008


I did it. Here's an admittedly non-representative sample of the clothing on sale at the Dragonfly Designs store in one of the Gossip Girl sims:

Here, OTOH, is how I was dressed when I was asked to change my appearance in the interests of "PG":

The sim was empty this time around, so I could have gotten away with a shot of me standing next to the display, but I acted in accordance with the requests of those who run the sims. The photo was taken at Forsaken. (You can see that the snow has gone, as civilized snow does after falling and being pretty for a short time.)

I have no quarrel with Dragonfly Designs (save for their really bad font choice...); I am liable to buy clothing from them--though certainly not the outfit in the picture!


Anonymous said...

Hi again, thanks for sharing the photos. Yes that does bring up some questions as to what one would consider PG. Seems that a slim size 4 can go nearly naked and be "PG". Hmmmmm......think I can get that outfit in a size 30 top and a size 16 bottom?

Let me know if you'd like to go shopping.

Anonymous said...

It does seem extremely hypocritical of them to sell outfits like that and then say you're non PG because of the size of your breasts.

Anonymous said...

Sadly they can ask anything because its their sim. But its very hypocritical to ask to remove a part of your body (wich was covered), its as silly as ask someone to remove someone's hair.