Monday, September 01, 2008

Height inflation revisited

I think that height inflation is becoming less common. These days I'm seeing more and more avatars of height closer to RL average. An example, only aided a bit by perspective:

If that's the case, is there a reason? Fitting in with the environment, perhaps. I still recall the time I was invited on a boat and couldn't walk into the cabin, discovering the virtual hard way that there's no way to bend over and walk--I ended up sitting down from a distance to get in and out. (SL will be interesting if/when prim breasts become "physical" objects.)

So, perhaps it will eventually just be people who are tall in RL who choose tall avatars... and people like me. I'm sorry, I just love being tall. So I will keep watching advances in giant(ess) avatars, keep pushing VWR-1258, and keep taking forced perspective photos:

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