Monday, October 20, 2008

"I'm walkin', yes indeed..."

Though I understand that work is underway to improve the default animations, until then I have a dilemma. The stock walk, as we all know, is ludicrous, a tottering duck walk that nobody likes. OTOH, there are the various "sexy walk" animations. These are pleasant, but often a bit exaggerated, and Victorian clothing turns "a bit exaggerated" into seasickness-inducing!

So, what is a proper Victorian lady in need of a graceful but modest walk to do? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


Honour McMillan said...

I tried all the women's walks I could find, and then all the men's - thinking they'd be less skanky :) Finally I tried some of the catwalks and realized that they look different from the side than they do from behind.
So I found a relatively slow cat walk with a hip sway that didn't look like I would disjoint anything and settled for that. When I start to worry I go back and look at the original vendor to look at myself from the front/side and realize once again it doesn't look as "sexy" to everybody else. :)

Good luck :)

Honour McMillan said...

mm meant to say all the walks look different from the side/front than the back. :)