Friday, June 22, 2012

Nobody's normal...

If you think that all it would take for Second Life to go mainstream and life to be happy forever after is for Linden Lab to get those people off the grid, read "Going Mainstream Means Letting in the Weirdos" by Tateru Nino. (Even if you don't think that, it's worth your while; she's a wise lady.)

Encouraging stories

BetaBeat has an article that's worth your while: "Eight Real Tales of Learning Computer Science as a High School Girl". Despite its subtitle, the tales either write about the gender divide not at all or only in passing, as an initial misconception that "CS is for boys" that experience erases. I find that extremely hopeful. Ganbatte!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Ride the invisible pony

There's a strange combination of slider settings that I've seen occasionally. They make one's hips and legs look sort of like slightly padded versions of the copper pipe figures from those commercials for some drug to control incontinence.

Apparently it's sort of a trend in some circles; see this SLUniverse thread. Those who have their avatars set this way are referred to as "riding an invisible pony".

Having heard too many sea chanteys at Renaissance fairs, I immediately thought of this:

It wants to be filked. (It's only fair; "Donkey Riding" borrows the tune from "Highland Laddie" which got it from "If thou'lt play me fair play".)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

RIP Ray Bradbury

I am remiss in not mentioning the passing of Ray Bradbury. I think others have written of him and his work far better than I, but it merits mention that some time back he turned his imagination to a virtual reality room rather like the ST:TNG holodeck in his short story "The Veldt". If you haven't read it, you should.

Important notice

Please read this post on Maggie Bluxome's blog concerning Essentials Breasts, especially if you received a full-permission version of them during these past few days.

It's sad news. I do not know what this will mean for those with legitimately purchased Essentials Breasts, and I hope that we'll see a return of breasts with the Essentials shape--Jennifur does beautiful work.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Very pretty!

Boho Bikini makes some really lovely RL embroidered bikinis. I wonder whether there's similar fashion in SL? (If there are any for the busty community, that would be even better!)

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

They're singing what?!

If you have always wondered just what the whole "Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi" thing was all about and what the heck they were singing... well, this won't help you at all, but it's hilarious!

Seriously, there's more to Carmina Burana than Orff's setting. Take a listen...

Saturday, June 02, 2012

Happy birthday, Busted!

Busted magazine has come out with its second anniversary issue, and it is glorious.

It features photos of those who make the magazine possible--those of the always impeccably-dressed (OK, in one case impeccably undressed) Maggie are especially beautiful. The first part of Angel Eulenberg's writing about her experiences as a busty kajira in Gor is not to be missed. I very much look forward to what is to come, for Angel's experiences and for the magazine as a whole.

One sometimes hears of a project referred to as so-and-so's baby. The analogy needs to be tweaked a little bit, because instead of the "terrible twos" I think "terrific twos" the more accurate characterization for Busted.

Thank you once again, Maggie!