Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sharp Dressed...

Leia Sharple has started a service of customizing Implant Nation prim breasts to work with an outfit of your choice for a fee (L$500 for one outfit, L$2000 for six). There's a group for announcements and such, called, um... let's just say the name is perhaps inspired by one of ZZ Top's hits. (Search for "sharp dressed" and you'll find it.)

UPDATE: I didn't notice the little sign tacked on to the billboard; she can now accomodate eCorp prim breasts, too. (Foxbean Laboratories, pretty please?)


Maggie Bluxome said...

Oh my god! There's so many beautiful dresses with tops I can't wear, this is great news! :)

Melissa Yeuxdoux said...

It's wonderful news indeed... though kind of sad that the well-endowed of SL should have to take such measures.