Wednesday, April 23, 2008

T - 1 and Counting...

Tomorrow Ubuntu 8.04, codenamed "Hardy Heron", will be officially released. I've been living semi-dangerously and running the beta on the new computer with no complaints.

If you've wondered about Linux, this--or rather, tomorrow--is a good time to try it out. (Servers are likely to be heavily loaded for a while following the announcement, but there's always BitTorrent.) You can download an ISO file and burn a Live CD, or if you run Windows you might consider Wubi. (If you don't have reasonable bandwidth, you can even ask to be sent a Live CD. It's free.)

Linux is of particular interest to SL residents; I've seen several reports that the SL client runs better on Linux than on Windows on the same hardware. (I wouldn't know. I only run Windows under duress.)

UPDATE: It's official! Give it a try.

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